Sunday, 10 November 2024

Being Thankful and Grateful for the Hard Times Gets You Through It



We all experience deep hurts and things in life that are hard to get past. I have learned so much about thankfulness every day to be in the moment. Thankful for my daily struggles, as I have a reason to keep going and will never give up. I used to give up the second something got ‘’hard.’’

Thanksgiving and Christmas can be difficult for some of us.  Being positive really does help get through the rough time and keep going. Then you look back and see how you ‘’got through it’’

Wow, how did I get THROUGH that? 

Each difficulty makes me just be that more stubborn.  Having a child at this time in my life, 13 years ago, I am now 47 going on 48. I am thankful for having her at this time.  She makes the harder things easier. She helps give me the motivation to always strive to be the better version of myself.  

I have found proper meds for myself that are now helping me to sleep(just the combination and what they are doing in my brain for me. It has taken THIS long for me to get regular REM Sleep. I now have energy that I have never had in my life! I have clarity in career ‘’wellness coach, possibly yoga instructor.’’ I am able to further my education now, and work my butt off because of my own journey in weight loss and mental health. 

I would like to be involved in the mental health field as well. 

When you are where you belong things happen. Sometimes it's Slowly, I am a late bloomer, and glad that It can happen now as my attitudes have always been better late than never! 

Guided Meditation can truly help one overcome this or that area, or has for myself. Learning how to be quiet, calm enjoying the ‘’present.’’ 

Keep your chin up and the positivity vibes going in ANYTHING. 

NOTHING can take that away from us, and how your spirit handles the ups and downs of life!

  • "Sometimes, when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place." — Unknown

  • “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” —Ruth Bader Ginsburg

_Nahani Rose

It's All About Perspective

  Recently, I moved down the hall to my friend's apartment.  The place I had before was a 2 bedroom apartment. It was much too cold in t...