Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Meet James: Living with Emanuel Syndrome

James Desmond Holt was born in 2015 on the dynamic day of the Autumn Equinox. He was so little and so beautiful! It was hard to believe that within the first 2 weeks of his life he would be diagnosed with Emmanuel Syndrome, poked and prodded by countless specialists, and undergo his first (of 9) surgeries. 

The first year involved weekly doctor appointments and therapy sessions. We watched our perfect boy grow, learn and experience this world. We vowed to do everything we could to help him reach his potential. But, the biggest surprise of all is how much we learned from him - unconditional love, strength, perseverance and our own potential with the human experience. 

He is the center of our hearts and desires, and without him we, his mom, dad and little sister, would not be a family. He is our fearless leader into the unknown, defying every single odd they throw at us and charming all that meet him. Today he not only walks and talks, but he runs, jumps, climbs, sings and dances. He laughs and shrieks, cries and sticks out his lower lip when he's sad. You know he loves you when he hugs you and blows you kisses.


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